Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Let Your Prayers Be without Ceasing for Israel and Her Captives
A Message from Saint Michael The Archangel Given to Beloved Shelley Anna

As angelic feathers overshadow me, I hear Saint Michael The Archangel say,
Beloved Heart dwellers of Christ
Let your prayers be without ceasing, for many conversions of sinners, that will come through the preaching of the Gospel.
Globalism is Satan’s agenda that will come into fulfillment with wars that will culminate into one.
Birth pains are Intensifying as wars and rumors of wars escalate.
Let your prayers be without ceasing for Israel and her captives.
Be not fearful, for the end is not yet.
America has forsaken God by taking unto herself abominations of the flesh, and the sacrificing of the innocent through abortion.
The Lord’s day of judgment comes, after the deliverance of His people (bride).
Repent and turn away from the wickedness of this world!
Make ready your hearts through repentance, as you accept Him as your Lord and Savior.
Children of Light
Continue to be a beacon of hope for the hopeless and the destitute.
I stand ready with multitudes of angels to defend you from the wickedness and snares of the devil, who’s days are few in number.
Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.